We want to say many thanks for all Artists who trusted in us once again and sent so many of artist’s books for the “10th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2024”.
It is a difficult and responsible job to select the best artist’s books from the books submitted to the “10th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2024”.
So, when we look on submited books here we have the few questions: It is an artist’s book, or book art? It is an artist’s book or commercial book? It is an artist’s book or hand made book? Is this book sent to the right competition? Is this book is a work of art?…

Many questions and jury members have to find the answers.
And the main question once again: What is an artist’s book?
Artist’s book is a work of Art.

International Jury:
Prof. Timothy Frerichs, US
Dr. Rasa Januleviciute, Lithuania
Artist, expert Hanne Matthiesen, Denmark
Ass. Prof. em PhD Vilborg Stubseid Hovet, Norway
Artist, expert Roberta Vaigeltaite-V., Lithuania
Prof. Kestutis Vasiliunas, Lithuania
© Artist’s Book Museum Vilnius
© Artist’s Book Creators 2023