We want to say many thanks for all Artists who trusted in us once again and sent so many of artist’s books for the “10th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2024”. It is a difficult and responsible job to select the best artist’s books from the books submitted to the “10th International Artist’s Book Triennial… Continue reading 10th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2024 – Jury at Work
Tag: What is an Artist's Book?
Meeting with Artist’s Book Expert PhD Vilborg Stubseid Hovet
Travel Time: 3-7 July 2022Location: Oslo, Norway On the 3rd of July we came to Oslo to see the artist’s book exhibition “From A to Z – Artists’ Books in Würth Collection”. Here we visited a famous Norwegian writer and the expert on the artist’s book – PhD Vilborg Stubseid Hovet. Here in Oslo we… Continue reading Meeting with Artist’s Book Expert PhD Vilborg Stubseid Hovet
What is an Artist’s Book?
In the beginning let’s clarify definition of the genre. A conceptual book created by artist as an object of art is called an artist’s book (artist or artists’ book). In Lithuanian media and publishing of art research we discover various national terms like authorial, artist’s or visual artist’s book. Is it so difficult to find a common term? Norwegian critic of art… Continue reading What is an Artist’s Book?