
We started the new big project in Lithuania – Artist’s Book Museum. On this moment it’s Virtual Artist’s Book Museum. But in the future we plane to create the first Artist’s Book Museum in North Europe, with with hundreds of artist books, an Education Center and an Artist Residency. Since 1993, the Circle “Bokartas” organised more than 70 international artist’s book exhibitions, workshops, symposiums and lectures in Lithuania, Germany, Austria, Finland, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Sweden, The Netherlands, Denmark, France, Spain and U.S.A. Many international world famous artists has been invited in Vilnius to read the lectures and to make the artist’s book and artist’s book-object workshops in Vilnius Academy of Arts. Artists from all over the world has been on the openings of the “International Artist’s Book Triennials”. Many of them returning for each opening of the Triennial – so we have big and beautiful family of artist’s book creators who meets each three years in Vilnius. And this Family of artists grows and grows. We work with our friends in Japan, USA and Australia for making collaborative projects together. We work closely with thousands of artists, artist’s book creators around the world and many art universities. Artist’s Book Creators Community connect professional artists into to one Art Family. We fascinated in an artist’s books and we organise the world famous “International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius”. Together “we can” much more!

© A R T I S T’ S – B O O K – M U S E U M + K E S T U T I S – V A S I L I U N A S