9th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2021
Theme: “Absence”
Time: 2021
Location: Nowhere
Project Explanation:
1. “Absence is presence. These are the fundamentals of mystery.” – 25:57, Episode 3. “The Young Pope”.
2. “In poststructuralist theory, a concept most closely associated with Derrida, for whom it refers to the mythical status of the supposed hub of any system of ideas (see also deconstruction; différance; transcendent signified). This derives from the point voiced by Socrates in Plato’s Phaedrus (c.370 bc) that the absence of the writer from a (circulated) text leaves it open to misinterpretation, in contrast to presence in face-to-face interaction (see also phonocentrism). This is in fact a feature of all mediated communication, where the participants are spatially and/or temporally separated.” – https://www.oxfordreference.com/
3. “Wu 無is one of the most prominent terms in Ancient Daoist philosophy. As a term of negation, wu usually indicates the absence of something. From the perspective of generative processes, wu functions as an undefined and undifferentiated cosmic situation from which no beginning can begin but everything can emerge. Wu is simultaneously metaphysical and concrete, general, and particular.” – mdpi
4. The “9th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2021” is a unique non-commercial cultural project.
5. The “9th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2021” is conceptual artist’s book project.
Organiser of the Triennial: Circle “Bokartas”, Lithuania
Curator: Prof. Kestutis Vasiliunas
© Artist’s Book Creators 2021